0 Submitted by on Fri, 01 June 2012, 11:12
In search of the earliest Greek explorers, Adams puts his new theory on Jason and the Argonauts to the test. Are the ancient accounts correct?

Were the Caspian and Black sea’s once joined, making it possible for the Argonauts to sail to East? Aboard a replica of the Argo, David embarks on the epic journey that will take him from Greece across half the earth in to war torn Afghanistan. In Russia he charts and navigates the Phasis, the waterway zthat lead Jason to ‘The land of the Golden Fleece’ and on the Caspian he finds irrefutable evidence of Jason’s passing. Then, guided by desert horsemen, he crossing into Central Asia in search of the mysterious River Oxus – according to the Greeks it once flowed into the Caspian, transporting riches all the way from India. In the desert wastes of Turkmenistan he discovers the ruins of a magnificent 4000 year old city and startling evidence to suggest that the reports of the Ancient Greeks were correct; in their time earth’s climate was radically different than today.

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